I was born and raised in Greeley, Colorado. Growing up in such a beautiful area has given me an appreciation for what we have here, and I truly embrace the city and all of Northern Colorado. I graduated from the Ohio Center for Broadcasting with a degree in broadcasting in 2009, and it is a dream come true to be playing music and talking on the radio to all my friends and family in Northern Colorado. I LOVE music, all kinds of music! I also love talking, all kinds of talking! If you think there is a better job for me out there, you let me know! Other than music and talking, I’m a bowler, yes a bowler, I usually get funny looks when I say that. I used to do a lot more of it, but now it's more for fun rather than a job. I am also blessed to have a beautiful daughter, Shai, who was born in June 2008, and love showing her off! My son Quinntyn was born in December of 2010, and although I have learned raising little boys is almost like having another job, I wouldn't trade him for the world. My kids have become my life, and have given me a different outlook on life than I had just a few short years ago. I really believe in the religion of love. Love everyone, be nice to everyone, and smile, and this world will be a great place to live in. I’m addicted to ice cream and donuts, and I’m a firm believer that nothings more important than family, my Dad and Grandma will always be the biggest heroes in my book for the contributions and support they have given me throughout my life. Although life seems chaotic and sometimes even hard, at the end of the day I thank my lucky stars and God for everything I have, and wouldn’t have it any other way. “We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” ~Frederick Keonig Find me on Facebook or Email me, Id love to hear from you!