Brave Little Doggie Chases Off A Bear In Colorado
What's the saying? It's not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog? I think that perfectly sums up the incident that took place recently down in Castle Rock when a brave little pomeranian scared away a big bad bear.
This particular bear, like many other bears around this time of year are trying to fatten up for their winter hibernation by searching out for food and according to the Colorado Parks and Wildlife, during this period of time, bears will need to consume between 15,000 and 20,000 calories.
So the bear was strolling around a neighborhood in Castle Rock in the middle of the night looking for a little (or big) midnight snack when all of a sudden, you see the bear flying across the driveway on the security camera followed closely by this feisty little pup.
It's so funny to see this big bear being scared off by what could very possibly be a little snack for it but that's exactly what happened and that brings me back to the old saying "it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog".
With this story and video it's just a friendly reminder that many of us do live in prime bear territory and it's important to remember ways to protect yourself and the bears any time of year but especially now that we're coming up on their prime feeding frenzy season.
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