‘Christmas Vacation’ on the Big Screen for $5 in Fort Collins Dec. 6
For $5 you can enjoy the National Lampoon classic as it celebrates its 30th anniversary. This could be a great Friday night for you and the gang.
Clark Grizwold and the family are going to be on the big screen this Friday at the AMC Classic 10. Located at 3636 Manhattan Ave. near the intersection of Horsetooth and College, the theater will be showing 'Christmas Vacation.'
They'll have three showings: 4:20 p.m, 7:05 p.m, and 9:30 p.m.
I'd have to guess that many of us have never seen the comedy on the big screen. Furthermore, with the way that they play the movie on basic cable all the time, I'll bet a lot of us haven't seen it uncensored.
It's got so many great scenes with so many great characters. It's a holiday must-see, so... Why not?
It's not like it's going to blow your Christmas bonus.
Get your tickets ahead of time HERE.