CSU Ag Day: A Week Full of 40th Anniversary Celebrations
A week full of Ag celebrations is upon the CSU community!
With CSU Soccer donning the pumpkin and alfalfa colors of Colorado State's original branding, CSU Volleyball sporting the orange for a weekend full of matches, and CSU Football throwing an orange out at Canvas Stadium as they host Vanderbilt, there's a whole lot of Ag Day traditions happening on campus.
At the pinnacle of it all, Colorado State University is also celebrating its 40th anniversary of Ag Day on Saturday, Sept. 11.
Ag Day is a celebration surrounding the university's roots and traditions. Started in 1981, Ag Day was created in a partnership between Professor Emeritus Matsushima and former CSU Athletic Director Thurman "Fum" McGraw.
The new tradition was meant to bring support to the agricultural sciences at CSU by bringing in attention and interest from Colorado's agricultural producers. And, of course, cheer on some CSU Football.
Now, after 40 years, the fruits of the longstanding tradition can still be seen on campus. The Ag Day event's proceeds still support College of Agricultural Sciences students, and, every year, the event funds 15-20 student scholarships as well.
Aside from this being the 40th anniversary of Ag Day, a huge milestone in and of itself, CSU Football will be helping add to the history of the event. Former Professor Matsushima will be honored as a guest cannoneer during the orange-out football game. Matsushima will be celebrating not just his 100th birthday, but the guest appearance will also be in celebration of him receiving the 2021 CSU Founders Day Medal earlier this year.
The day will be jam-packed with events and excitement gearing up for kick-off.
Starting at 4 p.m. on Sept. 11, CSU will be hosting its annual pre-game Nutrien Ag Day BBQ with Colorado-grown and raised agricultural products. The barbecue will be held on IM Fields 12 and 13 just north of Canvas Stadium.
Hang out and enjoy some Colorado-raised products until 7 p.m., then head over to Canvas Stadium to watch CSU Football play Vanderbilt at 8 p.m. in a sea full of Ag Day orange!
For more information about Ag Day and to purchase tickets to the CSU Football game, head over to the Ag Day website through CSU's College of Agricultural Sciences.
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