A Big ‘Secret Dinner Party’ is Coming to Denver and It Sounds Awful
It's a mystery; it's a secret. Like a cat, you become immediately curious as to what the heck is going on. "Tell me more."
The funny thing is, I'm not much of a fan of dinner parties; getting dressed up to mingle with strangers is not my wheelhouse. Invite me over for some gin rummy, potato chips and beer, and I'm your man. So, I don't know why when I heard about this from the Denver Post, I jumped on it.
Get this: It's not even a dinner, where you get served a meal. It's a picnic. You bring your own meal and utensils.
From the party's site:
Guests must bring a square folding-table and two white chairs; a white picnic basket and/or bag including a gourmet meal for two, a white tablecloth and cloth-napkins, cutlery, dishware, and glassware; and a garbage bag.
Oh, and you cannot bring hard liquor or beer; white wine or spritzer only. This gets better and better, IMHO.
You'll notice "white" is the key. Everyone who goes will be dressed head-to-toe in white. I definitely would not be bringing a chicken parmesan sandwich, which would just make a mess of my white attire. I see a lot of salads. Dry salads.

At the very last possible minute, those who are attending will be notified as to what notable pubic space in the Mile High City the event will be taking place. There's nothing like waiting around with a small table and chairs, a picnic basket, in all white, waiting for a text. Sounds super. I'm guessing it will look like a flash mob gathering for a weird meal.
Le Diner en Blanc, "The White Dinner" will cost $60.
Saturday, June 4, 2022.
Only 1,500 will be allowed to register for the event, which started in France, about 30 years ago. In 2017, the Paris event had 17,000 people. Why wouldn't a ton of people want to have a picnic in Paris in front of the Eiffel Tower? Where in Denver is going to be like that?
Get registered for Denver's Le Diner en Blanc.
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