Fort Collins Has Lifted Stage 2 Fire Ban
After over two months, the city of Fort Collins has lifted stage two fire restrictions.
In a Wednesday press release, the City announced that although stage two has been lifted, the following restrictions still apply:
- Only clean, dry, untreated wood may be burned. Burning yard waste or garbage is prohibited.
- Fires must be a minimum of 15 feet from any property line, structure, or combustible surface.
- Fires are prohibited between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m., and must be fully extinguished by 10 p.m.
- Fires must be attended by a competent person at all times and have means for extinguishment readily available.
- Solid fuel burning grills and smokers may be used and are exempt from these requirements, with the exception of burning yard waste or garbage.
The city urges residents to remember that smoke or odor from wood burning can be considered a public nuisance. Keep in mind that neighbors may have an existing respiratory illness and that many are at home recovering from COVID-19.
After all that we have been through with this record wildfire season in Colorado, please be fire wise and recreate responsibly.
Community members who are negatively impacted by smoke from someone’s fire may voice their concerns via Access Fort Collins (www.fcgov.com/accessfortcollins) or the City’s Nuisance Hotline at 970-416-2200.

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