Fort Collins School Granted Sex Education Waiver
Liberty Common School in Fort Collins is no longer required to teach sex education that includes LGBT and abortion curriculum after being granted a waiver from the board of education.
The headmaster has been extremely outspoken about the new law requiring the schools to teach a more comprehensive version of sex education. He says that the schools virtues and stance is with per-marital abstinence.
Kelly Notarfrancesco, chair of the Liberty Common School board of directors said this to CBS4:
Liberty’s parent-led Board of Directors is grateful for Colorado’s commitment to diversity and choice in education, and appreciates our state’s support of parents’ rights to direct our children’s education. Our Board of Directors, by adopted resolution, opposes any state curriculum mandate, regardless of subject matter, as a state curriculum mandate is in direct conflict with the state’s constitutional standard of local curricular control.
Source: CBS4 and The Coloradoan
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