Guns N’ Roses Guitarist Insists Making a New Album is Their ‘Main Priority’
Guns N’ Roses have hinted in recent months that the next album from the band won’t take nearly as long to make as their last release, the long-long-delayed ‘Chinese Democracy.’ In fact, finishing a new record has become their “main priority” these days.
According to guitarist DJ Ashba, he and GN’R frontman Axl Rose have been hard at work compiling songs for their next release, which will be the band’s seventh album and first with the complete current lineup.
”I can say making a new album absolutely is our main priority, and I cannot wait to get working on it,” Ashba tells Mamasfallenangels.com. “Axl has tons and tons of stuff recorded as it is. I mean, he sits there in his hotel room and he’ll play me hours of stuff. And I’ve written over ten songs, I think 12 songs now, for him that he really likes.”
While it’s still a work in progress, the band hopes the new music is finished sooner than later, seeing how ‘Chinese Democracy’ took an agonizing 15 years to see the light of day,
“I can’t give anybody a definite date, because I’m not going to give anybody false hope,” Ashba notes. “But it’s absolutely everybody’s goal to get out an album within a reasonable amount of time.”
On April 14, the classic GN’R lineup will be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio. While nobody has confirmed rumors of a reunion of all the original members at the ceremony, neither Rose nor Slash have ruled out the possibility that they could all wind up in the same room on their special day.
With the possibilities of classic lineup Rock Hall reunion and a new album from the current incarnation in 2012, it sure is shaping up to be one hell of a year for Guns N’ Roses fans!
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