While the temperatures still hover around 90 degrees in Colorado, things change very quickly this time of year. One day it can feel like summer is never going to end and then the next, you will need a coat and be turning on the heat in your home.


When it comes to fall and colder weather approaching, it can change all in the blink of an eye. Those who have gardens always hope for the colder temperatures to stay at bay for as long as possible. Colder temperatures can quickly destroy a garden that you have been working on for months.

Frost is the main element that can harm the plants. Have you ever seen what frost can do to an entire patch of pumpkins if an early frost happens? It's not pretty. In fact, it quickly turns into a mushy, pumpkin gut mess in a pumpkin patch.

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Types of Frost in Colorado

There are three different types of frost. They range from mild to devastating.

  • Light Freeze - This type of freeze can kill tender plants. However, little harm will come to most other vegetation. A light freeze usually occurs when temperatures are around 29 to 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Moderate Freeze - A moderate freeze is usually destructive to most vegetation. Damage will occur to fruit blossoms and semi-hardy plants. A moderate freeze occurs when temperatures are between 25 to 28 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Severe Freeze - A severe freeze will cause the most damage to most plants. A severe freeze is when temperatures reach 24 degrees or lower.

When Will Colorado Get Its First Freeze?


As it always is with Mother Nature, there is no specific date. However, the Farmers' Almanac predicts when the first freeze of the season will be in Colorado. Thankfully, most of Colorado's populated areas will be in the clear for September. Heading into October is a different story. Here is when parts of Colorado should expect to get the first freeze of the season.

  • Denver - The first fall frost is predicted for October 6, 2023.
  • Grand Junction - The first fall frost on the Western Slope is predicted for October 10, 2023.
  • Julesburg - The last town on Interstate 76, before you enter Nebraska, is predicted to get its first fall frost on October 1, 2023.
  • Pueblo - Southern Colorado is predicted to get the first fall frost of the season on October 1, 2023.

To see when other states are predicted to receive the first frost of the fall season, visit Farmers' Almanac.

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