A case that has been going in Colorado since October 2024 has ended. The animal rights group The NonHuman Rights Project have been pleading the case that elephants should have the same rights as humans to The Colorado Supreme Court.  .

The human rights group was trying to have 5 African Elephants released from captivity despite evidence that the elephants were safe and happy.

The NonHuman Rights Project's goal was to have elephants released from the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs.

Elephants the Same Rights As Humans?

The group's goal was to have the elephants released and taken to a sanctuary. The NonHuman Right's Project argued that the elephants, located in Colorado, were suffering trauma due to inhumane conditions and being in confinement.

Related | Cute Alert: Two Elephants Wave at Humans at Denver Zoo 

Newsweek explains that this argument was about the rights of intelligent animals. Should intelligent animals have more rights than others?

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That decision was for the Colorado Supreme Court to decide.

Colorado Supreme Court's Decision Finalized

The Colorado Supreme Court has rejected the idea that elephants are entitled to the same rights as humans. Colorado law emphasized that rights are for humans and not animals.

Was it close? Not exactly.

Reuters reports that the Colorado Supreme Court voted 7-0 against the idea of elephants having the same right as human beings.

The five elephants will remain at their home at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs for the foreseeable future.

The same organization tried to give elephants the same rights in New York. We are curious what state they will try next.

10 Ridiculous + Unbelievable Laws in Colorado Involving Animals

You’ve likely heard about many weird and/or stupid laws in Colorado, but these 10 laws involving animals are among the most ridiculous.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

19 of the Silliest Laws on the Books In Colorado

The Centennial State is home to nineteen laws that may seem silly, stupid, or outdated, but they are still laws. Scroll through the gallery below to see Colorado's strangest laws that are still on the books today.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams