Should someone else be able to tell you what you can or can't hang from your rearview mirror in your car in Colorado? Should the state be able to say you can't hang fuzzy dice from your rearview mirror? What about a dreamcatcher? What about rosary beads?

Read More: New Colorado Law Bans Holding A Phone While Driving

Is it illegal to hang items from your rearview mirror in Colorado? Learn about the key factors that determine whether it’s allowed or could result in a fine below.

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What Does Colorado Law Say?

Colorado rearview mirror items

The law in the Centennial State does not specifically say it is "illegal" to hang items from your rearview mirror. Instead, Colorado Revised Statutes Section 42-4-201 says that the person operating the vehicle must make sure windshields and windows are "unobstructed" and provide a "clear view" of the road.

Penalties for Driving with Obstructions

Traffic violation

If hanging an item from your rearview mirror obstructs your view of the road, you'll eventually be fined under the state's regular obstruction laws. Small decorations are usually ok if they don't block visibility.

Whatever you decide to hang from your rearview mirror, as long as you are driving anywhere in Colorado, an officer may issue a ticket at their discretion if they believe the item is blocking your view of the road. The penalty in Colorado is a Class A Infraction that could cost between $15 and $100.

Read More: Is it Illegal to Not Dim Bright Lights While Driving in Colorado?

Some States Don't Allow It

Hanging Items From A Rearview Mirror: Illegal In Colorado?
Canva Pro

For worry-free travel across any state, don't hand anything from your rearview mirror. Doesn't seem very American, does it?

While states like Colorado penalize motorists for driving with an obstructed view of the road, other states have laws prohibiting drivers from hanging anything from a rearview mirror. These states include California, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and New Jersey.

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Gallery Credit: Wes Adams

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