USPS Is Asking Colorado Residents to Check Their Mailboxes
It's the time of year when lots of Coloradans turn their attention outdoors. For many, Memorial Day weekend means our first big outdoor cookout, the first camping trip of the year, or maybe the first chance you have to complete a big project out in the yard.
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The United States Postal Service knows many of us will spend some time focused on the outdoors at the end of May, which is why the final week of the month has been designated Mailbox Improvement Week across America, including Colorado.

What Is Mailbox Improvement Week?
Mailbox Improvement Week is the week USPS sets aside to ask all residents to check their post office boxes or mailboxes for compliance. Do you check your mailbox for mail daily? If you do not, you are not alone. Plenty of Coloradans avoid a daily trip down the driveway because they may not expect mail that day or need a break from looking at bills or constant junk mail.
Did you know that if your mailbox fails to meet certain regulations it could be considered illegal? This could leave you as the homeowner subject to a penalty.
Colorado Mailbox Regulations
USPS wants you to spot-check your mailbox at the start of summer to confirm it meets post office standards. Our mail carriers work hard all year. With all they do year-round, the last thing they want to deal with is mailboxes rusted shut, falling over, or infested by insects.
Colorado's mailbox regulations require a mailbox to be approved by the Postmaster General. It must be designed to protect mail from the elements and be safe for use. Mailboxes must be located 6 to 8 inches from the edge of the road and be 41 to 45 inches from the ground. Find out more about the proper use and installation of mailboxes here.
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Mesa County Regulations to Know
You can review the enforcement of mailbox regulations with the engineering department at the post office closest to your residence. Did you know that if your mailbox does not meet the required regulations or is considered unsafe, USPS in Mesa County is authorized (per Colorado Revised Statute 43-5-301) to remove it from your property at your expense? Find out more about mailbox guidelines in Mesa County here.
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