The celebrity gossip website has removed a naked picture of Neal Schon after receiving a cease-and-desist letter from the Journey guitarist’s attorney. The self-shot picture depicts Schon standing in front of a bathroom mirror with his shirt pulled up and naked from the chest down. claimed that Schon sent the offending picture to a woman on Facebook and that the woman’s husband got the picture from her Facebook account and distributed it, The Huffington Post reports. Schon later reportedly deleted his account after his girlfriend, Michaele Salahi, found out about the picture and became upset with him.

However, Schon’s attorney claims that the “schlong shot” — sorry about that! — was stolen from his cellphone and posted online without his permission. “Mr. Schon owns exclusive copyrights and other valuable rights with respect thereto,” the attorney wrote in a letter to the website. “Mr. Schon has never consented to anyone ever publishing the photograph; it was always meant to be private.”

That’s why they are called private parts, isn’t it?

The letter, which is dated Dec. 15, continues: “If they fail to take the requested action, the owners of the website … will be held for substantial compensatory damages and punitive damages.”

Apparently the threat was enough to scare into taking the pic down.

A rep for Schon went even further, claiming that “Neal has received menacing text messages over the past couple weeks from a person he has never met, telling him that he was in possession of Neal’s stolen phone and threatening to release the photos. Apparently this person decided to carry out his threats.”

The rep also insists the photo scandal has not damaged Schon’s relationship with his girlfriend. ”Neal and Michaele are doing great and are very much in love,” the rep says.

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