Last December I said goodbye to my addiction to French fries, and I am proud to say I no longer indulge in those crispy, golden, deep fried… wait, where was I going with this? It’s about this time every year that I start to think about the bad habits I want to break, and the things I want to do better with the changing of the calendar. Let me step down from my soapbox for a moment and admit, I’m typically guilty of not staying true to my resolutions by, oh… February.

The fact is, we can make changes to better our lives any given Tuesday, but each new year is a symbolic clean slate; a fresh start and a new beginning for our new-and-improved selves.

Last year, the U.S. government reported the top 10 resolutions for 2014. The list includes losing weight, quitting smoking, drinking less, getting fit and giving back. However, statistics provided by University of Scranton's Journal of Clinical Psychology state that only 8% of us stay true to these annual pledges. Is that because we’re unrealistic in our expectations, or because our old habits die hard?

When the ball drops in Times Square and 2015 rolls in next Thursday, challenge yourself to small, attainable goals that will improve your life. Take walks outside. Read more. Create less trash. Drink more water (and way less coffee). Call your grandma. Remember to wash your face before bed every night (seriously, just do it). Those are just a few of mine, and I wish you the best of luck with yours in 2015. See you next year.



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