New Belgium’s Fort Collins Tour de Fat Moves Online
New Belgium Brewing’s tradition of bikes, beers and bemusement will celebrate responsibly in 2020.
New Belgium's Fort Collins Tour de Fat celebration will look a little different this year. In a announcement on their website, New Belgium says the party must go on...line. Influenced by the CDC's health advice and then discussing it with New Belgium Brewing’s COVID-19 response team, the decision was made to "postpone" the in person events in Fort Collins, Colorado, Asheville, North Carolina and Tempe, Arizona until next summer.
However, that doesn't mean you can't get out the bikes, beer and costumes for the good cause of supporting local bicycle nonprofits.
On their website New Belgium says they will still have contests, challenges and more:
Tour de Fat will continue online by encouraging communities to celebrate with the classic carnies, clowns and cyclists of all ages with online contests, challenges and fundraising efforts to support local bicycle nonprofits.
New Belgium and Tour de Fat will continue support of nonprofit partners by donating matching funds up to $10,000 per nonprofit organization to support their initiatives.
Some of the online contests and challenges include a "slow ride bicycle challenge" and a "dance contest". Participants have the opportunity to win many prizes, including a limited edition 2020 New Belgium Brewing Fat Tire Cruiser Bicycle.
For information on bicycle advocacy, contests or giveaways follow Tour de Fat on Instagram at @tourdefat.
Source: New Belgium

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