Motley Crue’s Nikki Sixx Labels L.A. Guns Singer a ‘Sad Little Pumpkin’ After Online Rant
Not only did L.A. Guns vocalist Phil Lewis turn down ideas of touring with Def Leppard and Poison before talks began to heat up, he took an opportunity to slam his fellow rockers, especially Motley Crue. Now it seems unlikely L.A. Guns will ever be asked on another major tour again, although it hardly seems like Lewis will mind.
During an interview at, Lewis explained why he didn’t want to join the tour: he’s not a fan of arena rock. In the forum section at he really lets loose. Warning: if you’re offended by bad grammar and poor sentence structure, Lewis’s rant will turn your stomach.
I don’t like Arena rock Motley crue with exploding drum sets and migets bore me to death, Poision and Bret’s muscle dance is an embaresment, Deff L going through the motions and mailing it in every night is pathetic. Most off all I don’t like the knuckle heads that go to these ‘Concerts’ Motley Crue dude!!! Thats fine, the fans don’t give a fuck about the music they wanna get drunk and hear the hits and the bands don’t care they just want the outrageous easy money there used to getting and get the hell outa dodge ASAP, When was the last time any of those bands did a free after show meet and greet???
Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx replied via Twitter. “Ah, he’s a sad lil pumpkin…” he said. That sent Lewis on another rant on Saturday.
I say Nikki Sixx and his Heroin Diaries are a total fraud, Anyone that was ever addicted to Smack or any opiates knows not to glorify addiction its incredibly irresponsible. It’s total crap as well, Nikki may have dabbled a little but him and most of the dinosaur rockstars of that era were doing tons of blow or cocaine. There was very little heroin in LA in the 80s compared to London. Sixx was a teenage millionaire with a very thin grasp on reality. I don’t give a fuck what he thinks about me or any singers.
And I do know excatly what I’m talking about what cities had the most drugs coz I did lots in both. But I don’t glorify it or complain I was sucked into coz of an unhappy childhood. Teaching people that heroin is cool is reprehensible especially if its a work of fiction.
Oh and if I ever needed another reason to dislike Sixx his version of “Anarchy in the UK” is a good start.
At this point, Sixx seems unwilling to take the bait and enter a war of words with Lewis. Motley Crue begins a European tour on June 5 in Moscow before kicking off a co-headlining tour with Kiss in July.