Naked Fan Tries to Give Ozzy Osbourne Her Blood in Promoter Barry Fey’s New Book
We love Ozzy Osbourne. You love Ozzy. Heck, everyone loves Ozzy. But do you love him enough to try and sneak backstage at one of his shows — stark raving naked, no less — and hand him a vial of your own blood?
Yeah, we didn’t think so. But that doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. In fact, rock promoter Barry Fey writes about the bizarre encounter in his new book, ‘Backstage Past,’ which runs down his decades in the concert business and shares wild stories about the Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, U2 — and, of course, the Prince of Darkness.
The “blood donor” incident took place in 1997, during Ozzfest’s stop in Denver. “I think it’s safe to say that never, in all of that stadium’s years of events, had it hosted such a collection of freaky fans,” Fey writes, going on to recall how it all went down:
“A young woman, probably 20 or so, walked toward us. At first, I thought she was wearing a tight, flower print top, but as she got closer, I could see that she had no top on, just body paint.
“Are you Barry Fey?”
“Yes, I am,” trying to look her in the eyes.
“Can I go see Ozzy?”
“No, I’m sorry, he’s backstage getting ready to play.”
“Would you give him this?” And she handed me a quart jar about half full with a dark colored liquid.
“What is it?”
“My blood. I want him to have my blood.”
An unforgettable experience, to be sure, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg as far as ‘Backstage Past’ is concerned. Fey got his start during the late ’60s, making his mark in the concert business before it was taken over by mega-corporations — and collecting countless stories in the process. To read more excerpts from the book, head over to Fey’s site.
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