Pianos About Town Program is Looking for 2018 Artists
Since 2010, colorful, painted pianos have been a staple on the streets of Fort Collins – where more than 90 of these instruments have been collected, decorated, and placed about town. With the beginning of the new year, the Pianos About Town program is seeking local artists to help transform the next round of pianos into visual art. Two informational sessions for interested artists will be held at 6 p.m. on January 23 and at 4:30 p.m. on January 30, both at Carnegie Center for Creativity at 200 Matthews Street in Fort Collins. The first session includes a presentation about the application and review process, as well a Q&A portion. During the second informational meeting, staff will be available to sit with applicants one-on-one to review applications and make application recommendations. Staff also will be available to provide general information for applicants who were unable to attend the first information session.
The program is looking for diversity in artwork styles and concepts, with a preference for emerging artists and new and exciting ideas. In order to apply, artists must first submit a letter of intent and concept rendering by 5 p.m. on February 12. Chosen artists will receive a $1,000 honorarium. Click here to apply.