Polar Plunge Supporting Special Olympics Happens at Horsetooth Reservoir March 4
On Saturday, March 4, people of Northern Colorado will be freezin' for a reason, as they take the plunge into the frigid waters of Horsetooth Reservoir, all to benefit our state's Special Olympics.
“Plungers,” as participants are called, may take part in the event either as an individual or with others on a team. The first five teams to raise $1,000 will receive a Freeze-E Pass which will allow them to be one of the first groups to take the jump. Many plungers come dressed in costumes and stay afterward for the festivities and to cheer on other participants. Prizes will be awarded to the highest fundraising individual, highest fundraising LETR team, and the highest fundraising team from a K-12 school that raised at least over $1,000. This cool event will help to support over 20,000 Special Olympics athletes.
Online registration closes at 9 p.m. on March 3, however you can still get registered onsite at the actual event on March 4. Registration will be taking place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., with the 2017 Polar Plunge kicking off directly after. The Plunge will last until 3 p.m., followed by a fun after party to help warm you back up. If you prefer just to donate to the cause, rather than jumping in the ice cold reservoir, visit SpecialOlympicsCo.org/Give/Polar-Plunge.
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