The Fossil Ridge football team has been denied a request to honor members of our Armed Forces who were Killed In Action by wearing their names on game jerseys.

The request by the Fossil Ridge football team to honor members of our Armed Forces who have been Killed In Action has been denied. Players from Fossil Ridge were asking for the right to wear the names of those who have died in combat to replace their own for the Military Appreciation night game on October 15.

The players wanted to wear camouflage jerseys that night which were paid for by the booster club and not even coming out of the district budget.

As part of the agreement to honor this request, head coach Brian Tinker had the team spend the past three months undergoing special military training and education, and was also requiring every player to actually research a family so each player would have an understanding of the person they were honoring on the back of their jersey.

Poudre School District and Fossil Ridge High School value the commitment and sacrifice of our military. As such, the district and school are working to find ways to honor military heroes. The request from a parent to place names of select fallen military members on the back of Fossil Ridge High School football jerseys is admirable. However, PSD cannot comply with this request without giving other causes the same opportunity. Unlike the National Football League, which can use uniforms to support specific causes, public high schools do not typically use school property, such as team jerseys, in this manner. As a publicly funded agency, PSD respects the diverse opinions of our community. Thus, the district does not support any one cause over another. PSD policy regarding this matter is intended to protect students from being used for promotional purposes. However, students may support causes through their First Amendment rights. We regret that the intentions of the district and school were misconstrued and mischaracterized as unpatriotic. PSD shares the community’s value of honoring those who dedicate their lives in service to our country and looks forward to recognizing the contributions of veterans at our schools this year - Poudre School District


I can understand that the PSD would say no if they had to buy the jerseys because then they would have to honor the same request for every school in the district, but they didn't buy them, the booster club did.

Furthermore, why would they say no to ANY club or team in the school district who wanted to honor our troops in whatever way they wanted if the club/team was providing a means to pay for it that didn't require money coming out of the districts budget?

The Poudre School District should be looking like National heroes for allowing this and setting an example to every High School student across the country but instead, the district will be mocked in the National news within 24 hours.

Shame on you PSD!  Saying that you can't support any one group or "cause" does NOT include the United States Military! We live in America and our military is the one thing we ALL have in common. This isn't about religion or a "cause," it's about living in the greatest country of them all and largely because of those who have died in combat, giving this country everything they had.

We aren't talking about Gay Rights, Black Lives, Immigration or anything other than why we live in a FREE COUNTRY!

This noble gesture by the Fossil Ridge football team wasn't going to cost you a dime but being politically correct, I hope, comes back to haunt you! We live in the United States of America and it's time folks like you stood up for what's right and stop worrying about who you might offend.

I think the team should wear them anyway and take a stand. Those who they wish to honor, who were Killed In Action, took a stand and this is their chance to honor that and say thank taking a stand in what they believe in!

If you'd like to offer your opinion with superintendent Dr. Sandra Smyser, Executive Director of Communications Danielle Clark, or any member of the Poudre School District, please call (970) 482-7420.

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