South Park, the long-running comedy show co-created by two Coloradans, has acknowledged almost everything truly Colorado, from Casa Bonita to Dealin' Doug to 'NoBo SoCo and Soco.' While those regions were made up for the show (We think?), NoCo is totally real and has been the subject of an episode or two — because hey, if you haven't been mocked by South Park, then you haven't made it.

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Fort Collins

It took Trey Parker and Matt Stone two decades to get to us, but FoCo (yep, that one's real too) got its own episode of South Park in Season 20. Simply called 'Fort Collins,' episode 273 aired on October 26, 2016. The plot of the episode is that Fort Collins gets hacked, and everyone's internet history is revealed. You can see a clip of the episode from Comedy Central here.

1998 "Kenny", "Cartman", "Kyle", and "Stan" are the characters in the hit series "South Park."
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Greeley actually landed on the show not just once, but twice. Greeley was first mentioned on the show in 2005, on South Park's 130th episode, 'The Losing Edge,' but appeared again in Season 15, in an episode called 'The Poor Kid.' The show was pretty hard on Greeley, describing the city as pretty much 'the exact opposite of Hawaii.'

9NEWS in Denver was quick to jump to Greeley's defense after the episode aired, saying, 'If you think about it, so are places like Telluride, Vail, or Aspen (because of the abundance of snow and lack of luaus),' and provided a list of ways Greeley is actually a nice place to visit. You can watch a clip of Cartman and Kenny at Greeley Elementary School here.

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