You Can Run To The 50 Yard Line At Empower Field In September
If you've ever dreamed about running through the Denver Broncos entrance tunnel and charging out to the 50-yard line of Empower Field at Mile High, this weekend is your chance.
The Denver Broncos are hosting their 10th Annual Fit 7K Run/Walk this Sunday, September 4 at Empower Field which will also feature a kids run that will end up with participants running through the tunnel just like the Broncos and a strong finish on the 50-yard line.

I did it with my boy last year and it was such a cool and fun experience for the both of us.
If you're wondering why my boy is wearing a Seahawks jersey and probably ready to report me to child protective services, he was born there and we lived there for the first 5 years of his life so it's kind of in his blood but the good news is, he's also getting plenty of Broncos orange into his system now too.
This is going to be an epic way to kickoff to the 2022 NFL season which officially starts on Thursday, September 9. The exhilaration as you finish the race on the field crossing the 50-yard line is going to be something that you will remember and cherish for a lifetime.
You'll get FREE stuff too and that's always an awesome thing. All runners will also receive an exclusive Broncos emoji T-shirt, finisher's medal, personalized race bib, and, of course, a fun and memorable day.
There will be four waves of start times beginning at 7 a.m. and running every 30 minutes until 9:30 a.m. The kids' run will begin at 11 a.m.
Hope to see you there because last year's event was pretty epic.
You Can Run To The 50 Yard Line At Empower Field In September
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