You may not realize it, but there are quite a lot of things in Colorado that would fit just fine inside an issue of the National Inquirer. There are secretive places, urban legends, conspiracies, and weird history surrounding our great state from every corner.

Keep scrolling to learn about and take virtual tours of some of these places and stories from right here in Colorado.

Secretive Places in Colorado

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We'll start with the secretive places in Colorado. If you keep scrolling we'll visit an abandoned Masonic Temple, take a rare glimpse inside a Mormon Temple, and see what's inside the biggest Church of Scientology in the state.

We'll also take a look at what's under Cheyenne Mountain, explore the tunnels under the state capital building, and visit some of the places underneath Denver International Airport that the general public is definitely not allowed to see.

Mythical Stories from Colorado

We'll also take a look at some mythical stories right out of Colorado including Bigfoot sightings across the western portion of the state, the legend and tragedy of the Blue Mustang or 'Blucifer' statue outside of DIA, as well as some other legends that are less-than-widely known.

For example, have you heard the tale of Bridey Murphy, the Colorado housewife who was allegedly reincarnated? What about the Navajo Skinwalkers from the state's Four Corners region? Have you ever been to one of the crazy manmade smoke shacks on any of Colorado's famous ski mountains?

Keep scrolling to learn about and visit all of these crazy things from right here in Colorado:


12 Secretive, Mythical and Just Plain Out-There Colorado Things

Take a tour of what’s under Cheyenne Mountain, see a rare glimpse into a Colorado Mormon Temple, learn the story of Blucifer and more. 

12 Creepy Abandoned Places in Colorado You Should Never Visit

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

Scroll through 12 creepy abandoned places in Colorado that you should never visit.

See 12 Unique + Often Scary Colorado Cemeteries and Memorials

Some are historic, some are scary, but each one of these Colorado cemeteries and memorials is definitely unique.

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