See the Five Cheapest Homes For Sale in Jackson, Wyoming
The current median price for homes being sold in Fort Collins is $503,000 according to Realtor. We can all agree that housing is quite pricey in Colorado overall.
However, let put things into perspective and take a trip north. A nearly eight-hour drive and 450 miles later we'll arrive in Jackson, Wyoming. This town is one of the most expensive places in the United States. Nestled near the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Park, Jackson has a current population of 10,553 in less than three square miles of land.

The median listing home price of Jackson, Wyoming is $2.3 million. Why is it so expensive? The majority of land in Teton County is undeveloped and more than likely will stay that way. According to Live Water Jackson Hole, 97 percent of the county is federally owned and managed by the state of Wyoming. An additional 25,000 acres are protected under the Jackson Hole Land Trust. Leaving approximately two percent of the county to human development.
Over the years, Jackson, Wyoming has become a popular second home destination for high-profile names like Harrison Ford, Tiger Woods, Sandra Bullock, Brad Pitt, and more. Jackson Hole says that the reason why so many are drawn to the Jackson Hole Valley is because of the amenities, skiing, and natural beauty this land has to offer.
You may have even wanted to be a permanent part of the community when you once went to Jackson for a visit. Nowadays it's going to cost you. Even going as cheap as you possibly can. Take a look at these five homes that are currently listed in Jackson, Wyoming. The least expensive home in Jackson, Wyoming is going to set you back a cool $1.435 Million:
The Five Cheapest Homes For Sale in Jackson, Wyoming
Looking at these listings makes the Colorado real estate market not look so terrible right about now.
Listings source: Realtor
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