
6-Year-Old Gets Plastic Surgery Because Of…
6-Year-Old Gets Plastic Surgery Because Of…
6-Year-Old Gets Plastic Surgery Because Of…
A boy in Utah went under the knife after being bullied and picked on. Fearful the bullying would scar their son, Gage, for life, parents Tim and Kallie Berger hired a plastic surgeon to pin back their son's ears after he was called "elf ears" by peers...
Naked Joggers Leave Toddler On Beach For Hours
Naked Joggers Leave Toddler On Beach For Hours
Naked Joggers Leave Toddler On Beach For Hours
The parents of a 20-month-old girl left her on a beach for 2 hours on Tuesday while they went jogging with no clothes on, police say. Cody Bourgeois, 32, and Monique Bourgeois, 35, were arrested and charged with child desertion and obscenity after a man found their daughter alone, thirsty, and covered in bug bites on Holly Beach in Louisiana...

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