The Longs Peak Scottish Irish Highland Festival is this weekend in Estes Park. The field opens to the public 9 am - 5 pm Friday, Saturday, & Sunday , September 7-9.
Doing what I usually do during the day, I am scrolling through Facebook when a post catches me off guard. I see a tattoo artist post a pic of their newly inked piece on a person... It's a cool tattoo, but there is a problem with it. The tattoo has a compass, an island and the words that say "Not all who wonder are lost"...
There are way too many tattoos floating around with grammatical errors, unintended meanings, and other embarrassing errors. While this particular incident is funny, it's definitely cringe-worthy.
Don Price, a tattoo artist in England, told the Plymouth Herald about a man he knew who had his girlfriend's name tattooed on the back of his neck...
Some bets are more painful to lose than others, and a Colorado radio DJ now has a tattoo of a Twinkie to prove it.
Brian Gary at country station K99 in Fort Collins is a big dude. No doubt, he felt more than confident taking fellow DJ Shawn Patrick, a not so big dude, in a Twinkie-eating contest, with the loser agreeing to get ‘Twinkie the Kid’ tattooed on his body...