UCHealth Distributing COVID-19 Vaccines to People 70+
If you are 70 years of age or older, you might qualify for a COVID-19 vaccination at UCHealth.
According to a press release, the organization began distributing vaccines to this group, referred to as Phase 1, last week.
But because the vaccine is not yet widely distributed, not everyone in this phase will be able to receive one right away.
"So to offer the vaccine as fairly as possible, UCHealth is randomly selecting patients who are 70 years old or older to receive [vaccine] invitations," said Dr. Jean Kutner, UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital Chief Medical Officer, in the release. "We encourage our patients to watch for these messages which will allow them to schedule a COVID-19 vaccination."
In order to eligible for an invitation, sign up with UCHealth here. As the vaccine supply continues to grow, the organization hopes to vaccinate 70% of the 70+ population by March.
Since first distributing the vaccine in December, UCHealth has given the first dose to over 32,000 people. At least 1,000 health care workers have received their second dose.
Once Phase 1 is complete, those under the age of 70 will have opportunities to get the vaccine; however, this won't happy quickly.
"While UCHealth experts agree it is great news that vaccines are now being distributed, they emphasize that it is important to know that it will take time for the vaccines to be distributed broadly," read the release. "People should please be patient as, according to the state's current timeline, the vaccine will not be available for the general public until the summer of 2021."
As for the best thing to do while waiting for the vaccine? Continue to wash hands, social distance, and wear masks.

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