On an early Tuesday morning, Windsor High School students quietly filed their way into a busy classroom filled with local industry professionals. A full gambit of occupational specialties dotted the classroom. Lawyers, small business owners, digital editors, and market presidents to name a few.

Photo Courtesy of Kirby Kimble (TSM)
Photo Courtesy of Kirby Kimble (TSM)

The students came prepared with resumes and applications, dressed for the occasion-nervous but enthusiastic. Matched with a professional from their desired field, these outgoing young adults ran through the rigors that nearly every adult eventually faces in their career search: The handshake. The Posture. Awkward questions. Strengths-weaknesses. The whole shebang.

Photo Courtesy of Kirby Kimble (TSM)
Photo Courtesy of Kirby Kimble (TSM)

After a short but intense interview session, the students would rotate and repeat. For nearly an hour they interviewed and sharpened their collective career skills. They asked important questions, and received helpful criticisms from the interviewers.

The exercise concluded with an open Q&A, along with the local professionals giving career and interviewing advice.  In all, it was a progressive and enlightening experience for all involved.

A big thank you goes out to all the students, professionals, and faculty at Windsor High School for helping shape these youth into productive members of our local community.

Photo Courtesy of Kirby Kimble (TSM)
Photo Courtesy of Kirby Kimble (TSM)

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