We all know someone who has had it. Maybe is was or is you. The current strains of influenza virus (also known as the flu) continue to cause sickness across Weld County. Flu symptoms can start suddenly and may include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, or fatigue. Serious cases of the flu can require hospitalization.

Weld County Flu Statistics

According to the Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment:

  • 78 hospitalizations for the 2017-2018 influenza season in Weld County
  • 47 people hospitalized in the month of December
  • Last season, there were only 8 people hospitalized in December.
  • Since the start of 2018, there are over 22 people hospitalized in less than a week into the month of January.
  • The current dominant circulating flu type is Type A, with 55 hospitalizations, compared to Type B, with only 7.
  • The current flu season officially began in October 2017 and ends in May 2018.
  • Statewide, there are over 1,200 flu-related hospitalizations.

There are many cases of the flu that have gone unreported.


The Weld County Health Department recommends a yearly flu vaccine for everyone 6 months of age and older as the first and most important step in protecting against this serious disease. While there are many different flu virus strains, the flu vaccine is designed to protect against the main strains that research indicates will cause the most illness during the flu season. The flu vaccine is available at pharmacies, medical providers, and the Health Department.  There is not a vaccine shortage and the vaccine can still provide protection for the remaining flu season, which extends into May.

How to Avoid the Flu or Spreading the Disease

  • Always cover your coughs
  • Wash your hands
  • If you get sick with the flu, stay home from work or school to prevent spreading the illness to others.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
  • Get physical activity like walking outdoors
  • Get adequate sleep.

To learn more about influenza, visit cdc.gov/flu.


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