Larimer County Level Up Businesses Go Blue
Businesses in Larimer County that are certified in Colorado's 5 Star or Level Up programs can now operate under restriction level Blue according to the Coloradoan.
Larimer County is still under Level Yellow for COVID-19, however, Larimer businesses that are Level Up certified can move to the next level. Here are a couple of examples of what Level Blue means for Larimer County:

- Gyms and fitness centers can operate to 50% capacity or 175 people indoors.
- Offices at 50% capacity for operations.
- Restaurants at 50% capacity or up to 175 people indoors.
- Outdoor events can operate at 50% capacity or 250 people.
- Retail stores can accommodate 50% capacity.
- Personal services can operate at 50% capacity or up to 50 people.
- Indoor events and entertainment can operate at 50% capacity or up to 175 people.
- Last call for alcohol moves to midnight.
Larimer County businesses that are certified by the Level Up Program couldn't move to Level Blue until 70 percent of the population age 70 and older have received at least one dose of the vaccine. Larimer County was able to meet that goal last Friday. Currently, there is approximately 71 percent of the population over the age of 70 in Larimer county has received the vaccine.
The NoCo Virus Tracker articles are made possible by our partners, the Keep NoCo Open campaign that reminds citizens to wear a mask, wash your hands, physically distance and support local as Northern Colorado recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Source: Coloradoan
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