Why You Should Be Moving to Greeley Instead of Fort Collins (Opinion)
When people talk about moving to Northern Colorado, the first city that comes out of their mouth is Fort Collins. There's a reason behind that, but Greeley should be top of mind too.
I know there are some of you who are sitting back wondering why I would even say that statement, especially if you listen to what people from the "outside" say about the city of Greeley.
Just doing a search on Google concerning statements people have made about Greeley, you can see people already have preconceived notions about the city. Some statements include:
"The entire city smells and you can't get away from it"
"There is no way I would move my kids to this city because of all the crime that takes place"
So let's answer those questions for you...
First off, is there a smell that sometimes comes from the meat plant? Yes, but it doesn't happen every day and I equate that to the SMELL OF MONEY.
Second, is there crime in the city of Greeley? Most definitely. But if you can sit here in 2016 and tell me that the cities of Loveland, Longmont, and Fort Collins are "crime free" you have watched too many tourism videos. Crime happens ANYWHERE. So stop sitting in denial about that.
So you're probably sitting there ready to ask me on why Greeley should be considered just as livable as the other cities in the region. Well here are five reasons that I think you need to consider the city of Greeley for your next move.
Believe me, I don't think you would regret the decision at all whether it is one year down the road, or ten years from now. You'll see it's a community just like any others that you can set your roots down for years to come.
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Housing Affordability
You're ready to buy your first house, or any house for that matter, and the first city you had on your mind is moving to Fort Collins. Sounded great at first right? That was until you looked at the prices of houses in the city and realized there was no chance of that happening. It is very hard to find a house in the city of Fort Collins for a family of four below $375,000. While that is great for current homeowners in the city, it's bad for people that thought about moving there. This is where Greeley stands above the rest. When taking a look at Craigslist to see what is currently for sale in Greeley, you can still get housing in the 200's, and some very nice houses in the lower 300's. Have a budget in the 400's for a house? Keep in mind that you can get much more for your dollar in Greeley than you do in Fort Collins, and you still get a very strong sense of "neighborhood" in the city.
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Everything You Need is in Greeley
You thought about moving to Fort Collins because everything is within walking distance, and the city has everything you need. Ever taken a drive down 34 and seen what the city of Greeley has to offer? Just about everything you need for your daily living is somewhere in the city. Plus you don't have to fight through what can sometimes be ridiculous Fort Collins traffic to get where you need to go.
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The Brewery Scene is Growing
Greeley has the designation of having the best new brewery in all of America, not Fort Collins. Weldwerks Brewing recently won that award and is just one of a few breweries that have popped up in the city in recent memory. Wiley Roots, Brix, and Broken Plow are just another sampling of what the city has to offer and they are all great places to be able to reconnect with friends while sipping a cold one.
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Greeley's Event Schedule is Busy!
It seems like every city in Northern Colorado has something going on throughout the year, and Greeley is no different and offers more events that most communities. The organization Greeley Unexpected, along with the city of Greeley, have moved the community forward with all the great events they offer which include Oktobrewfest, Friday Fest, and several holiday events there is never a drought of activity in the city. Add in the Greeley Stampede in the summer and all the great shows at the Union Colony Civic Center, it's just one of the reasons (but a great one) to call Greeley home.
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It's Central to Everything
Want to head to Fort Collins for one of the events in that city? Heading to Denver to go check out a Rockies or Broncos game? Maybe a trip to Estes Park is in order? Greeley is a very short drive to everywhere in Northern Colorado and if you make trips to Denver International Airport on a regular basis, you probably have the shortest ride out of any us to catch a flight!
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