Look up to the Colorado sky tonight and tomorrow, as it will be beautifully lit up by a bright, nearly full supermoon. The actual full moon will be occurring just as some people are waking up around 6:05 on Tuesday morning.

Known as the annual Hunter's Moon because of its closeness to the autumnal equinox, what makes this particular full moon even more special besides being a supermoon too, is that it is also the final supermoon for skygazers to see in 2015. During the next two nights, the moon will be as close to earth as it can possibly get during its path of orbit, reaching a point that's called perigee. When the moon is this close to us on earth, it can appear to be 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than normal. Keeping with the theme of autumn, it will also be very orange in color. On average, there are about four to six "supermoons" that happen throughout each year, but since they do not always coincide with full moons, they are not always as radiant and bright as this one is going to be.

If you miss out on this light show in the sky, you'll have to wait a whole year to catch another full moon "supermoon," with the next one happening on October 16, 2016.

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