Porn or Product: Booty Beanbags + Sac Back Chairs
When you are a company giving your chairs names like “Booty Beanbags” or “Sac Back,” you are effectively the furniture equivalent of the Shake Weight.
Booty Beanbags don’t mask their intent. They are crafted to curve around your backside and make for an interesting place to get busy with your lady friend. But even more obviously, the company’s marketing team makes effective use of scantily clad women for the hard sell. That’s to say nothing of the fact that they are called bag chairs.
These loose, leather chairs, which look like something you could buy at Spencer’s (remember those?) or other novelty stores, are stuffed with shredded memory foam. But you won’t notice the color, the shape or the stuffing, since you’ll be too busy gawking over the hot chick perched atop it on the company’s website.
It leaves us to ask a very important question about the Booty Beanbags: Is it porn or is it a product? For decency’s sake, we’re not going to ponder the “sac” in question.
A beanbag chair will run you around $200, for the record.