The Aggie Theatre presents yet another hip hop show, featuring headliners Thin Air Crew and Rolos Rios with ScotFree.

Thin Air Crew is made up of three upcoming, aspiring hip-hop artists who united through their passion for music and are now performing in the Fort Collins/Denver area.

With a history of a drum line background and a love for the Colorado music scene in common, these artists are sure to wow any hip-hop lover that attends their lively presentation.

Courtesy of Backstage Flash
Courtesy of Backstage Flash

This group aims to capture the audience by “feeding new fire to the game with their sharp delivery, catchy lyrical style and diverse instrumentals."

The show is scheduled for 8 p.m. on Friday, January 17 for $12 per person. Doors open at 7:30 p.m.

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