Which Schools In Colorado Are Requiring Masks Now? Here’s a Master List.
After a deep breath in at the start of 2021 when vaccines started to roll out and mask mandates were lifted, it seems as if it's a one step forward, three steps back kind of situation. With the Denver mayor mandating vaccines for teachers and staff in Denver Public Schools, several counties chose to follow in changing their previously relaxed mask mandates for the 2021-22 school year.
With so many articles and conflicting news about who's requiring what, here is a master list of Northern Colorado mask mandates and vaccine protocols for the upcoming school year.
Poudre School District
On Wednesday Aug. 4, PSD announced they will be requiring masks in PSD buildings and schools. Previously, the district was consistently revisting the plans for the school year and were originally only strongly recommending masks.
Even though masks will not be required outside, they will be indoors regardless of vaccination status. You can read all about the details here.
Colorado State University
The CSU system as a whole has not mandated vaccines or masks just yet, but Colorado State University individually pushed back to get vaccine and mask mandates put in place before the start of the year. They were successful.
Effective immediately, masks will be required in all university buildings by all students and staff, regardless of vaccination status. Additionally, vaccination will also be required. However, students do have the option of submitting a declaration of exemption. If you are exempt and unvaccinated, you will be subject to twice-weekly screenings through the university.
More details on the mandates and protocols can be found on CSU's official announcement.
University of Colorado Boulder
CU Boulder has also taken the path of least resistance and decided to require masks indoors beginning Aug. 13.
Regardless of vaccination status, the university decided it was in the best interest of the institution to follow public health guidelines and air on the side of caution. CU is also requiring students and staff to submit vaccination information to the university by Sept. 15.
Weld RE-4 School District
Update: The district has announced that they will require masks to be worn indoors and on buses, effective Friday, Sept. 10. More information can be found here.
Greeley-Evans School District 6
As of right now, the Greeley-Evans School District has opted not to change their mask requirements for the year.
While they acknowledge that things can always change on a dime, they are not requiring masks at school for the coming year. Vaccinated students will not face a mask requirement, and unvaccinated students are only strongly encouraged to wear masks.
Thompson School District
Update: On August 18, 2021, Thompson School District decided to change its mandate to require masks for the school year. Here is the announcement for the new mandate.
Denver Public Schools
Pretty notably, Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock announced on Monday, Aug. 2 that Denver and Denver County will be requiring certain groups to get vaccinated, including teachers and staff with schools in the county.
Following suit, Denver Public Schools will also be requiring masks to start the school year. This will include all students, staff, and visitors who are inside Denver Public School buildings.
Jefferson County
Jefferson County was one of the earliest counties to switch their mask mandate for the school year. They will be requiring masks for students 3-11, and students 12 and older who are vaccinated will not be required to wear masks. Masks indoors for unvaccinated students remain strongly recommended.
Unhappy parents and students actually gathered outside the Jefferson County Public Health office on Aug. 4 to protest the mask requirements.
As we've seen over the course of the pandemic, things are always subject to change at any point. Where these districts stand now will continue to be monitored, and any updates or changes that are made can be found right here on this page.
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